So here is a round up of this weeks photo's from my photography challenges. All of my photos this week are taken on my iPhone as I am still working on the editing side of life with images from my DSLR. I hope over the weeks/months to see my work improve so watch this space.
You can catch all of this photos & more over on Instagram @dreamhousetrish
My first photo in the Finding Myself Young 52 weeks of memories
Week 1. Happy Place
My happy place is definitely behind my camera, it really is something that makes me feel relaxed. Do you have a hobby that you find very relaxing?
7 days of posts from Fat Mum Slim Photo a Day
Day 7 Reading
I don't read a lot of novels but definitely do a lot of online reading.I do like the smell of the pages of a book, how about you?
Day 6 Blue
This was hard for me as blue is my favourite colour so I had to many things I could photograph, it was just a matter of finding a way to be creative. I wanted to experiment with dappled light so this is in the morning sun that is filtered by the Venetian blinds in my bedroom.
Day 5 Leaves
I had lots of ideas for this one but we were in the middle of days on end of torrential rain & flooding in our area & this frangipani tree was close to my carport. My phone & I got pretty soaked but the phone lived to tell the story thank goodness.
Day 4 Circle
This is a little something my daughter who is a junior graphic designer created for me, she has tweaked it a little further since this one. If I choose to work for myself I have the logo all sorted. Thank you Dream Child No1
Day 3 Water
This is from the beautiful Lake St Clair in the Hunter Valley, a great spot for water sports, fishing & camping. I would love to be here on sunset one day.
Day 2 What I did today
We are fortunate that my Sister & Brother in law own a beautiful ski boat & are happy to take us out with them. A great opportunity for the kids to enjoy the water, my son really loves knee boarding.

Day 1 Black & White
Whats not to enjoy about black & white photography, especially when it comes to nature.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead.
Trish xx
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