
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Disappearing Comments

Hi everyone,
 I hope you are all enjoying the weekend.

The weather isn't being particularly kind here, it is supposed to be spring, but it actually feels a lot like winter, it is raining, cold & miserable
I have spent my weekend sewing some new cushions & I will reveal them as soon as they are all complete, it has been fun to do something a little creative!!

Image via Decor Pad

Now I  also been popping by every ones blogs this week, but for some reason when I try to leave a comment, as soon as I post it it disappears.

I tried searching for an answer in the google help section but got no joy.

Has this been happening to anyone else?
Does anyone know how to fix it?

Help me please...somebody....I'm not good at remaining silent, LOL!!!!

Here's hoping for some sunshine for the last week of our school holidays & an aswer to my little problem!!!

Trish xxx


  1. Oh Trish, what a pain! No, I haven't had that happen to me. Have you tried looking up an answer at Blogger help? Maybe you're not the only one. J x

  2. Hi Trish, When you sign in uncheck the "keep me signed in" Blogger help said to do that (I have not been able to work comments for a while. X Samie

  3. i wish i could help i have no idea......i had trouble ages ago but it was my internet {thank goodness it's fixed} love your image also big smooch hope it gets sorted soon lisa xx

  4. Don't have a specific answer to your problem but I had so many troubles a few months back with people suffering the same fate with my blog that I switched to Disqus for comments. And SO glad I did! Much better than blogger comments because it is easy to form a 2 way conversation and so far, (touch wood!) I haven't lost anybody's comments.

  5. Hi Trish,

    This was happening to me, I unclicked keep me signed in at that worked. Mimi xx

  6. Hi Trish, Im having the same problem, and thought Id solved it but its back again today. Getting very frustrated as its very inconsistent. Im at the point where I copy my comment in case it doesnt work the first time, then give up after the third try.
    Hope you have better luck getting it sorted. Look forward to seeing your cushions.
    Rebecca x

  7. I had a similar problem and needed to lower my privacy settings so 3rd party cookies were enabled.


Yipee!!! I love it when you leave a comment!!!