
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Just dreamy window Seats

I don't know about you but I always fall in love with a room with a built in window seat.
Feldman Architecture modern kids

I could definately see myself sitting here to read a story to the kids

image via wicker & stitch

You just have to love all of those wonderful cushions

source unknown

Very inviting & cosy

Image via wicker & stitch

OOOHHH!! I think I need a glass of wine whilst I'm relaxing here....

What do you think, is a window seat something you lust after?

Trish xxx


  1. I do like window seats but I wonder if they would really get used? I've never had one but they look like they'd be a terrific excuse for cussion collecting!!!

  2. We always meant to build one into our former home but never did, which I regret. They look like very cosy nooks.

  3. Oh I LOVE window seats too Trish! I plan to build some built in wardrobes either side of our Isabella's window with a window seat between them...thanks for the lovely inspiration pics! Hope you are well and wishing you a wonderful weekend ~ xx

  4. They look so cosy and inviting somewhere for a good book and glass of wine definitely.

  5. Oh yes, I would love a window seat or three. We haven't quite managed to be able to fit them into the new house. Maybe next time... (story of my life!)


  6. I love them, especially in kids' bedrooms and playrooms. Wish I had room for one in our reno but don't have the room. I have the same images in my inspiration files, so we think alike!

  7. I would love a window seat and love the ones with bookcases either side. I could just imagine sitting back relaxing reading a good book. I actually looked at trying to fit one into our renovation design but it didn't work. Maybe somewhere down the track. Hope you are having a good weekend. Gx


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