
Friday, May 21, 2010

Serious Addiction

Dear bloggers, Hi my name is Trish & I am a blog addict!!!!!

Ever since discovering blog land my self discipline has slowly eroded away....
I have replaced exercise with long hours of sitting, its only a matter of time before the results of that begin to show....

I have replaced housework with more long hours of sitting, only doing the absolutely necessary tasks....

I have replaced social interaction with a day of hanging out with my laptop. When your mum rings and says  "Where have you been? We haven't seen or heard from you lately & thought you had disappeared off the planet"
you know you have a problem, by the way, I DIDN'T tell them I had traded them for You, my blog friends....

I think i have probably even developed a blog face, you know that face you get when your getting really involved in something on television, we call that "having your TV head on" at our house. I'm pretty sure I have a blog head on.....

So here is my 5 step plan to break my addiction;

  1. TO DO LISTS- Each day I am going to write myself a list of things I NEED TO DO  & check it off. I hate to not complete a task especially when its in writing!!!

  2. 30 Min's of exercise 6 days a week is a must. I turn 40 next year & I want to be 40 & fabulous, NOT 40 & frumpy!!!!

  3. No turning on the laptop unless all basic chores are completed eg bed making, washing pegged out, dishes done, floors vacuumed & bathrooms tidied.

  4. No computer time between 5pm & 7pm so that I will cook a decent meal, I hate cooking & now I have resorted to making the quickest meal possible, this must change!!!

  5. I am going to ensure I visit 2- 3 real people in the real world every week, not just dozens of cyber friends
Wish me luck fellow addicts......

What can you do to discipline yourself & break your addiction?

 Tic Toc people its time to prioritize our time!!!!
P.s clocks are my other addiction

 Feel free to join me here. We can support each other. Let me know how your going conquering your addiction perhaps we can create a link or a blog party or something? I will be sure to give you an update next Friday.

Have a wonderful event filled weekend everyone


  1. Hi trish,
    thanks for visiting my blog too! Looks like we have both been blogging for around the same time, and yes, there is something about australian blogs that I prefer! Similar lifestyles maybe. Your blog is great; I will add it to my favourites, and I have the same problem as you with the whole blog reading taking over. But I am using the excuse of `its part of my studies` and totally necessary!! I now I should cut down though!!! Hope your son is on the mend; I am on antibiotics now, should be a lot better soon i hope. thankyou,
    much love, Laura, my summerhouse xxx

  2. Girl, you and me both. I think most bloggers are they just don't admit it or haven't come to terms with it yet. At least you have a 5 step plan. lol. Good luck!!

    alicia @ a beautiful mess

  3. Considering I am TOTALLY blaming you for my blog addiction, I feel its a good thing that you have blogged a plan on how to break this addiction.....hahah xx

  4. HI Trish
    Thanks for popping over my way and your lovely comments... So looks like you are fairly new to blogland.. it's a bit crazy yes!! I can totally understand your need to create order around when you blog.. and the getting out and visiting real people!! excellent. haha. I know that feeling.. Have fun xx Julie [ps I'm in australia too.. Sydney]


Yipee!!! I love it when you leave a comment!!!