
Friday, May 21, 2010

Perfectly Imperfect Give Away

I love pillows & the cosiness they create in a room. Like art ,it is nice if you can give something some personal meaning & that is exactly what these beautiful pillows offer.

Made by a clever lady named Lisa at Shop 24 

You can have them personalised with your family names on them

You can have the opportunity to win one of these gorgeous pillows if you drop on over for a visit with Shaunna at her wonderful blog  Perfectly Imperfect
Shaunna is a very clever & creative lady & I enjoy visiting her blog, I hope you do to.
Good Luck with her giv away( not to much luck tho, I really wanna win this one ) I would love to see a 4 on my pillow, with my 4 kids names on it!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm Lisa from Shop 24. I am enjoying looking back over your blog. You are a busy lady! I hope your dream house goes up just the way you want. Lisa~


Yipee!!! I love it when you leave a comment!!!