
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Hi De Ho Everyone

Oh I've been a slack slack blogger of late.
My excuse


My version of writers block, a complete lack of ability to blog.
i think I have had to much going on in this big old head of mine.

Catch up time.

You better pour yourself a cuppa whilst I ramble.....just jokes :-)

To get straight to it.
The dream house hasn't even begun at this stage. We have been filled with so much indecision as to whether we want to build or not. We have to owner build to save money but the time & effort it will take whilst working full time jobs & having a young family would certainly take its toll.
We opted to put it on the market for 3 months & if it sells then we buy an existing home & if it doesn't we shall build.
A big part of us still thinks we should build as there has been nothing listed on the market so far that fits the bill for us in our area & so far between the 2 of us we have probably looked at 10 or so homes.

The down side to all of this is that my husband works in the mining industry & whilst his job is supposedly secure you really can't trust that they are ever true to their word. He was working weekend roster where he did 3x 12hr night shifts but they have recently forced him onto an 8 wk rotating roster. This leaves him with a lot less time to build a home.

The indecision really is sending us a little crazy, time is getting away & we have made no progress in life, it feels like another year has just about passed us by & we are no closer to being in our own home.

Any advice or suggestions gladly taken or if you know of a lovely home in the Hunter Valley NSW for sale let me know. It needs to be 4 bedroom & either have a shed & pool or room on the block for us to build a shed & pool. We don't mind if we have to renovate or if its a new home that we can move in & enjoy.

On the upside I have joined a 12 week fitness challenge & i am eating ridiculously healthy & exercising most days & really feeling fantastic, my weight loss results are slow but steady .
 I should be a yummy mummy by summer!!!

thanks for listening to my whinge, now that I have confessed i will probably stop hiding from the blogging world & get back on track.
Hopefully this is the solution to my

Trish xxx


  1. OMG Trish. Get the dilema. But there's no reason not to blog if you want to / enjoy doing build is slower than a snail's pace and probably boring as bat sh*t but I enjoy the process, the very rare comment, and the documentation of thoughts for me !!! I always love following 'my' selected little group, of which you are one. The decision to owner build is a biggie, especially if you are both working and on a tight budget. Duh. But it's not unattainable....depends on your personality, passion and attitude. Either way, life's here and now. Enjoy your family; it's a cliche but true.. happiness is not a destination. x kl

  2. Good on you for the 12 week commitment! You know I'm a big fan of that sort of stuff. Advice? Hard to do owner building when away as it takes l-o-t-s of time as you know. Might need to put it on the to do list for a little while longer until the time is right. Mwah xx

  3. Good luck with it all.look forward to your posts.

  4. Good to hear the update and that you have assessed the situation. life throws up moments where sometimes you have to jump in and do it or not and choosing not to is the other choice.
    Here's hoping you make a decision soon.Best of Newcastle

  5. Good luck with the decision making. Having just finished a reno and a big move - I know it all gets stressful but it's worth it in the end!
    Melissah from Coastal Style


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