
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Buying Bed Linen

There is nothing nicer than making your bed for the first time with fabulous new bed linen...
or is this just a sensation I experience???
We recently purchased a new mattress for our king size bed, but it is much thicker than the previous mattress & believe it or not, the king size quilt cover is about 10cm too narrow to cover it.
When I make my bed I have to line it up so the side you look at when you walk in the door is covered & the window side  has the sheets exposed.
Thankfully there is a solution to this problem, its called the 'Super King'.
A traditional King is  245 x 210cm
The Super king is 270 x 240cm
So Ive done a little online retail therapy & this is what I bought
The Ascot seafoam quilt set.
I have only purchased the quilt & basic pillow cases & I think once it arrives I might go & get some fabric to sew a few cushions in various sizes to dress it up a little.
I have purchased this from an online store called
I will let you know how it pans out.
I would love a white quilt but I plan to save that for the dream house.
 I want it to be sparkling & new when I move in & if the speed we are currently travelling at with getting organised for building this house is any indication of how long the build will take, then my quilt will be old & worn by the time we move in.
We had expected to be started by mid may but the dream guy has changed his plan of attack & still hasn't finished quoting it so it could be months before there is any action.
He is currently building a kitchenette in his shed/mancave seen as though we will spend all of our spare time there once the building begins, he has already built a bathroom.
Have you purchased any new linen lately?
Where do you do your online shopping & what keeps you going back there???
Trish xxx




  1. I agree Trish. Slipping into bed between new linen is a divine experience! I shop mostly online now with brands I know; sheridan etc but if it's unknown then a 'feel' is definitely necesary. Esy-buy were rubbish and quickly returned! I usually buy brands I know, patterns I love when on sale; just got a new white set from Sheridan for the new bedroom at 70 % discount! Sounds like the plan has morphed but be patient! Your hubby is clever having facilities on site; there's a hell of alot of 'hang'n' there with a build and you'll save a motza on contractor portaloo hire! x KL

  2. New bed linen is the best! I love savoring the moment I slide into fresh sheets lol so you can imagine how happy I am about NEW ones!

    BTW currently on the planet linen site!

  3. Lovely recommendation! One of the most beneficial service related to luxury bed linens are provided to the consumer who had placed his/her order for it. Today, we all are surrounded with the quality based comforts of such kind of bedding service providers who are capable in fulfilling our every demand.

  4. Haven't bought new sheets in a while, must do so I can live through the feeling =)



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