
Saturday, December 29, 2012

A christmas catch up!

A little late I know, but
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
This year we decorated our tree in multi colours, which was fun. I really need a new tree for next year as ours is a little old & kind of gappy, which is why there is no pics of the full tree, its not worthy of beautiful blog land!!!!
Im hoping I can talk the dream guy into letting me buy one from .Balsam hill whilst they have a 50% off sale so that next year I experience no christmas tree shame, he he he!!!

We took a trip out to Hunter Valley Gardens for their "Lights Spectacular" & it certainly lived up to its name

The displays are incredible & well worth the visit!

I want a snowman like this for my garden!!!

We only have one little one left that still believes in santa which is kind of sad, but it was fun watching the older kids play along with the game.
Santa was good to us all this year. My kids had ipods on the top of their wish lists this year which turned out to be a good thing, seen as though we experienced torrential rain for 90% of the day. It would have been a shame if we had done outdoors gifts!
 We hosted Christmas lunch at our house with family & neighbors which made for a really great day & as usual, we all ate far to much food.
I hope everyone had a safe & happy Christmas & I don't know about you but I am really looking forward to 2013
How did you spend your Christmas day?
Trish xx


  1. Sounds like a pretty terrific Christmas to me. Hope you have a great 2013 Trish! xx

  2. Love the pics of the lights at HVG. Was meaning to go....maybe next year! Checked out Balsam Trees...I want one too but it's hard to justify buying now. Although the savings are great. Have you ever seen one? Are they as good in real life as images?
    Hope 2013 brings you much happiness. x KL


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