
Friday, January 6, 2012

Project Resolution

I prefer to call them goals rather than resolutions, I feel like it gives me a better chance at succeeding...crazy I know!!!

Can you guess what this goal is going to be?

Ah yes, you are close.....
My goal is to be


If I am consistent with my exercise program, eventually I will build my fitness & strength & eventually I will loose a few kilograms & eventually I will get back to being a Yummy Mummy....yes that's right, I was once an awesomely fit healthy & super toned mum, but, unfortunately I let it all go & joined the land of the flabby sloths...bummer.... it really does hurt when you have to get fit again!!!!!

I am also continuing on with my goal to be a fabulous & creative photographer so I am joining
Darcy from Life with My 3 Boybarians in her project 52

This weeks theme is "Resolution"

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

Do you make resolutions or set goals?

Trish xxx


  1. Oh no... land of the flabby sloths... when I see it written there in black and white, I realise that I am in fact a long-term resident. sigh.

  2. That should be my goal too. The hardest part is doing it long enough that it becomes a habit! xx

  3. Firstly, there is nothing "flabby sloth" about you and you are a totally yummy mummy!

    Secondly, I'm totally with you on the goal towards consistency!

    Thirdly, is that your pic for the "resolution" theme?? because if it is I LOVE IT!


  4. Hello!
    I really like your picture and your resolution, incredible!
    Petonets xoxo

  5. I've been meaning to get back into an exercise routine for years! This is the year! :)

  6. good luck with it all, I love your shot!

  7. Good Luck to you! I did that 2 years ago, and feel wonderful.

  8. Good luck to you! I am attempting to be consistent with my exercise regimen. It will be challenging but rewarding. Best to you!

  9. Great resolution. I'm still trying to figure out how to get back into a exercise routine after having my little guy. (Yikes, It's been over a year!) Best of luck.

  10. Love your picture, and consistent is something I need to work on too. So glad you have joined in, thanks for linking up!

  11. I used to make resolutions but now I call it setting goals. Seems like if you mess up once then a goal you can get back on track. When I call it a resolution it makes me want to quit if I mess up. So now it's goals for me.

  12. Photo fun and good resolution ... but would'nt you be too hard on you?

  13. Good luck! I'm on the fitness trip too and consistency is certainly something I need to work on!

  14. Hi Trish, glad to see you've joined Fit Club! The worst part about gaining weight is knowing how fit we used to be before- I'm not a mom, but I do miss being "yummy"! Looking forward to following your progress!

    Erin @


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