
Saturday, September 24, 2011


What an exciting day we had yesterday. My eldest daughter graduated from high school!
I am so very proud of her, she received 3certificates of merit for chemistry, photography & visual arts.
She sang at the ceremony & her photography was used on the program.
Now its time for some serious study so she is ready to sit for her higher school certificate in October.

She is hoping to go to university to study & become a photographic journalist so, as you can imagine this camera is regularly attached to her.

She is an extremely creative soul. She designed & made these dresses. They are all made from coloured garbage bags that she stretched, melted , fused layers & sewed to create her major art work for her HSC(higher school certificate)

She then added some props, trekked off to a beautiful local park & photographed her work.She certainly attracted some curios glances from onlookers & a few small children wanted to eat the giant cupcake!!
 These are not her photo's, these are the ones I took whilst stalking her photo shoot.
 Her photo's are MUCH better!!!

Her piece is called
"Alice in Reality"
This fabulous model is "Alice"

& here we have "Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum"

This is my youngest daughter, she spent most of her day sulking because she just wanted to play on the playground equipment.

I should have gotten a close up of how the dress laced up at the back, it really is quite pretty.

She did a similar thing last year also constructing her costumes from garbage bags

It was titled "Snow white & the lost boys"

For this reason her teachers have recommended her for a scholarship at
to study Brand Fashion

So she is having an interview to present her portfolio in a couple of weeks. I imagine there will be a lot of kids in the running, but you never know where life will take you. Will she study fashion or journalism, I guess we will know by Christmas!!!!

So WELL DONE my beautiful clever girl, I can't wait to see what wonderful adventure life takes you on & thank you for being so wonderful!!!

Are any of you going thru this stage in life with your children, are you full of mixed feelings  too?

I am excited for what her future holds, but terrified of it at the same time, she is most likely going to have to leave home & go out into the big wide world all by herself, making decisions as an adult, being responsible for her own life, this makes me a little sad :(
I do think we have provided her with many of the lessons she needs to be ready for this next step in life,
time to cut the apron strings Trishy & let life unfold....eeeeek!!!!

Trish xxx


  1. Oh Trish. Your post had me reminicing. My daughters are a few years older than your darling girl. Congratulations to her for all her amazing achievements so far! She sounds very driven and creative and I wish her all the best for her exams.
    x KL

  2. Oh Trish, what a lovely post on her achievements. I can't wait to see which path she chooses. Her constumes are amazing. My eldest is starting VCE next year. Unfortunately for me he doesn't do fashion.x

  3. Oh how exciting. Her dress creations and photo shoots are fabulously creative. I'm sure she will do whatever field she chooses. I loved this post. Almost a sad feeling for me in the sense of kids growing up and moving on... which is all good and what we want. Ha!

  4. Congratulations to your very talented daughter Trish! Such exciting times ahead for all of you. My daughter left for a much awaited trip to England and Ireland yesterday. She completed her Uni studies a month ago and will start her teaching career when she gets back. Miss her already! ;)Sharyne

  5. Wow Trish, what a clever daughter you have! She definately has a bright future ahead of her, no matter which direction she chooses xx

  6. I'm all teary. I still remember the day she was born. I'm a very proud aunty indeed. Tell her congrats on her achievements and I can't wait to hear about her scholarship interview.

    Love you all heaps.
    Deb xxx

  7. Congratulations to your daughter on her graduation, my daughter graduated in June and what a coincidence she is going into the same field as your daughter. She has returned to Australia to study as a photo journalist.

  8. Oh Trish, how proud you sound and how divine she must be! How heavenly that she has such a sense of purpose and direction. Those clothes are amazing. What a clever girl!!! I do love hearing how your life is....

  9. What a beautiful, creative & talented daughter you have! I can see why you're all so proud of her and I'm sure she'll do well in whatever direction she chooses to go! It doesn't suprise me that she is so clever, as the saying goes "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" my dear Trishy!!!! xoxo

  10. Congrats for you both,lovely dresses very thrifty.

  11. Oh Trish. you must be bursting with pride. Congratulations to your lovely daughter and to you for helping her grow. Jane x

  12. Oh you must be so proud... and she is so talented. Makes it all so worthwhile, being a Mum. Well done. Take a bow. A-M xx

  13. Awww this one made me a litte teary!

    Good luck and congrats to my beautiful talented niece!!!


  14. To the comments above, I have to add what an ace parent you are, Trish for giving your daughter the freedom to be creative and follow her dreams. From my own experience, growing up was all about maths, science, English and little else. Then you spend years trying to crawl back to the job/place that makes you happy. What a wonderful start in life to have creative talents nutured right from the start :)

  15. You have one talented & creative daughter. Great ideas. Congratulations & good luck to her on her portfolio presentation.

  16. You have one talented & creative daughter. Congratulations & good luck on the portfolio presentation.

  17. Really every children get pleasure in the playground place for playground equipment.


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