
Sunday, August 28, 2011

A problem solved

For months now I have had trouble leaving comments on some blogs.
Unless your blog was set up so that your comments where in a pop up window I could not comment.
I would just end up on a never ending loop of signing into google.

I have fixed the problem!!!!!

source The graphics Fairy

When you are sent to the sign in page you will see that you have ticked the box to keep you signed in


un check that box & problem solved!!!

source Emily A Clarke

Trust me, I AM the most useless girl on the planet when it comes to technology, so this brings me sooooo much relief.
I hope this is of some help to anyone else having troubles...Mmmmmm, perhaps its just me, LOL!!!

source unknown

Anyway, I have some lovely old bloggy friends I need to catch up with & let them know....

I didn't forget you......
I still love you!!!


Trish xxx


  1. So glad its all fixed Trish. Enjoy your Sunday.x

  2. Glad you've solved your technology problems. I'm working on mine still but getting there. I'm now back on the net at least. lol.

  3. Oh, Trish, I'm so pleased for you. That must have been so frustrating. I opened my blog to anonymous commenters, just to get around that very same problem people were encountering. J x

  4. Hi Trish, you made me laugh! I only worked out today how to do links on my blog! I can't choose any identity on some blogs so can't leave comments and others will only work if I am anonymous. Others work perfectly well and I have no idea why! Frustrating! Congrats on your problem solving!
    x KL

  5. glad its all fixed:) hope your all well xx

  6. hi trish, yep, i have kept mine unchecked so that i can leave messages but it does get kind of annoying having to sign in all the time!!! Hope you have had a wonderful weekend!!! Laura xxx

  7. Thank you Trish! I will uncheck mine. Mimi xx

  8. Computers - the necessary evil! By the way, American lights have a different voltage so I'm going to have to get them rewired, but hopefully this won't be as daunting a task as having the tapware done. Fingers crossed.


Yipee!!! I love it when you leave a comment!!!