
Monday, August 23, 2010

A Great Weekend

Monday again & another weekend has passed us by.
We had a hectic but fun time this weekend.
My son has had his first season of playing soccer this year & I imagine there will be many  more seasons to come. In the under 8's it is just a friendly comp, so they don't have a grand final or any points score, they just learn how to enjoy the sport. My dream child No.3 was fortunate to start out in a team full of great kids & great families, we really made some nice friends from the team. The boys all played really well together & under the guidance of their coach they made it thru the whole season undefeated, that is, until this Saturday. The last game of the season they where defeated 1-0.
Now to the coaches credit, he spent the season not just teaching the boys the skills & rules of soccer, he also taught them how to play as a team & most importantly he taught them about good sportsmanship. Instead of being devastated about losing that last game & spoiling their perfect record, they shook hands with the opposition & got on with the end of season celebrations. I have to say I have never felt prouder of my son & his team mates... a lot of adults could take a lesson from this group of 7yr old boys, they are true champions!!!
Thank You super coach & to a wonderful bunch of families that make up this great little team, can't wait for next year!!!

My little guy is so happy to have his first ever trophy!!!

Now anyone that has been reading my blog for a while would know that about a month ago my dream child No.2 moved away to live with her dad & now lives 4 hours away from me. She has always lived with me since her father & I divorced, so I was EXTREMELY devastated to see her go.
 It was her 15th birthday this weekend & she wanted to come & spend it with me , so my very wonderful friend Beth drove her up, bringing along her own beautiful daughter & my dream girls best friend. We had the nicest time together & it was just the best thing ever to be able to share Dream child No.2's birthday.

 From left to right, Dream child No.2, her best friend, Beth's daughter & dream child No.1

Beth & I met when our 2 daughters began playing together at school in yr3, they are now in yr 11, living 4 hours apart & still best friends after all this time. Dream child No.1 & Beth's daughter will be best buddies for ever I imagine. I don't think a day goes by without them chatting. They even call themselves sisters & have made plans for flatting together when they leave home !!!
Thank You so much Beth for being such a wonderful friend & bringing my baby home for me to hug!!!

& here is my dream child No.4, she loved having her big sister home for the weekend & thoroughly enjoyed showing off for everyone at the local playground.
The weather was so perfect all weekend.
We watched soccer, shopped til we dropped, hung out at the play ground, had a party, ate cake, pizza, lollies, drank nice coffee & nice wine.
We cheered,  we chatted, we laughed & we cried, but most of all, we had a FABULOUS time!!!

Now to end my weekend on an even higher note I have to say a big THANK YOU to you guys, my wonderful blog friends!!!
Imagine my surprise when I signed into my blog on Sunday night, only to discover I have hit
I love that you find my blog interesting enough to actually want to be a follower. I love your comments & feed back. You have all been so helpful when I'm stuck on a decision for my dream house, & very supportive when I was sad about my dream child No.2 moving away.
Thank you for your friendship, your encouragement, your inspiration & all the wonderful things you share with me & teach me thru your own blogs everyday.
Thank You my Bloggy friends xxx

How was your weekend, I hope it was as much fun as mine!

Trish xxx


  1. Trish so happy to hear you had a great weekend with your beautiful brood..
    New milestones for your kids and memories for you..PERFECT...xx

  2. What a great weekend Trish. Congratulations to Dream child # 3, what a great 1st soccer season! Happy Birthday to your Dream child # 2, it looks like you all had a fantastic time celebrating. Lastly congrats to you on reaching 100 followers! Here's to the next 100! Have a great week. xx

  3. Hi there trish,
    what a busy weekend! Your kids are so cute and its so nice that you were able to have the day with your daughter; I do hope she is going well even though she has had to move away.
    big hugs and congrats on the 100!!! very cool, and yes you are interesting!!!! and lovely too!
    big hugs, Laura xxx

  4. I'm glad that you got some special time this weekend with your beautiful daughters and I'm happy to be one of the lucky 100! Have a great weekend!

  5. Ahh, I remember those fun soccer games. And I'm so glad to be your blog friend & follower. I've enjoyed it! Congrats on 100!

    Warmly, Michelle

  6. What a gorgeous family you have Trish. So glad you got to spend some time with child # 2. Congratulations on 100 followers! Michelle


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