
Friday, July 30, 2010

Times ticking

Well it would appear we finally have some action on the dream home front, AT LAST!!!!
We have a preliminary plan that we can use to make all our materials selections whilst the actual working plan is being finalised by the architect.
So next week, appointments will be made for the dream guy & myself to sit down with a kitchen company, tile showroom etc to make all the difficult decisions about how this dream home will look... I have to admit I am now officially TERRIFIED!!!!!


But I'm also excited that things are finally moving in the right direction, OMG, how will I ever sleep again...

farmhouse kitchen traditional staircase

I have this exact same clock & my stair case will be a similar lay out, so I now know how fantastic it will look!!!
Any tips or suggestions on how to deal with this process would be greatly appreciated, we have renovated many times, but this is our first ever new build & because, we have designed it ourselves, we can't even get a feel for it by walking thru a display home....
I will  post a copy of the plan soon for your stylish assessment!

Did I mention I'm excited!!!


  1. How exciting Trish, that it is all beginning. I look forward to following this journey with you and hopefully picking up some tips for when we start our building.

    Enjoy your weekend :)

  2. Hi trish, thats so exciting! I am passing an award to you for your other blog! Hope you are having a great day!! oh, loooove that clock!
    love from lauraxx

  3. Hi Trish ,I can't wait to see the progress pics..That clock is gorgeous.Have a great weekend..xx

  4. Anonymous30 July, 2010

    Please! Please! Please! Let your progress be contagious! I have resorted to making sure I have a dial tone because the draftspeople just aren't ringing me! Two weeks they told me...well that expired on Tuesday! Great news Trish! I completely understand your excitement.
    x Briohny.

  5. Sooo exciting, You know one of the 1st places I always start is the Laminex showroom and then the tiles shop and wood floor showrooms.....and of course there is always all of us to bounce things off......
    Draw a mus map of all your furniture and place the pieces on your floor plan to get a scaled view of where your furniture sits and of my fave tips.

  6. Provided you don't get overwhelmed with the whole process, building and deciding on the design and materials can be fun! I am still unsure how our house will turn out in the flesh even though I've imagined it over and over and the architect has supplied basic CAD drawings. You need to break it down room by room or space by space and do lots of measuring! Look forward to seeing the plans. Jane :)

  7. How extremely exciting to say I want, and then someone just builds. Don't be terrified. You have great taste, just be ecstatic. I'm rooting for you : )

  8. Oh how exciting! Looking forward to you sharing the progress of your dream house. Love that clock! Have a fab weekend xx

  9. oh Trish how exciting,have fun to make all decisions. I am sure you will be very happy.

  10. Yay for you Trish. All I can say is don't be surprised when there are hiccups along the way. If you are expecting them they won't take the wind out of your sail. They're just par for the course. And try not to lose too much sleep over your colour/tile/fittings decisions. I nearly made myself sick over-thinking it all.

  11. Hi Trish, fabulous news! It is an exciting time. I remember driving around the neighbourhood looking at houses. We saw one with the paint colour I wanted and Ben very bravely went and knocked on the door to ask. The people there were lovely and told us the colour so don't be afraid to ask. The other thing to do it get samples to take home with you so you can see them in a different light such as tiles etc... Good luck and looking forward to seeing the floor plan...

  12. Anonymous31 July, 2010

    Hi there Trish & thx for the lovely comments on my blog, you are going to be a busy bee now with all excitement of a new home.
    Best Wishes!


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