
Monday, June 7, 2010

A sunday drive

What did you do for your Sunday?

I got to take a Sunday drive, not the kind of relaxing Sunday drive your thinking of...I was giving my 16 year old daughter a driving lesson...the driving experience makes me feel incredibly anxious, but the roads we travelled where lovely country trails.

We passed many farms on these quiet country roads with some fun landscaping, like this version of the Flintstones car, don't you just love it ...

This is actually a letter box  believe it or not, but they also sell rabbits obviously!!

All in all we had a fun drive & I have to say she is slowly improving, when you have your first child the roller coaster we call parenting begins & I can't imagine it ever ends....No matter how old they get!!!!


  1. OMG where is this Flintstones car??? I NEED to see it.


  2. I will take you for a drive Erin & show you. What a great idea hey!!!

  3. We are teaching our 16 yr old to drive too! I know all about that anxious feeling! Good idea to take him down to where there's at least less traffic and more scenery. He would love it if we found something as cool as that Flintstones car! Too funny!!

  4. How are your fingernails coping? Have you bitten them down to the quicks through nerves? ;-)

  5. Oh you're very brave Trish. I have absconded this responsibility and my hubby has the pleasure of teaching our 16 yo son. He went for just his 2nd drive, before church on Sunday morning, and when he got home announced nonchalantly that he had driven on the motorway. I nearly died at the thought!

  6. I can't even imagine teaching my daughter to drive. Luckily I have MANY years before that comes. :)

  7. I've "taught" two sons to drive & one more will soon be learning. Our state requires 30 "practice hours" with a parent and/or instructor. I LOVED this time alone with my sons (once they start getting the hang of it). It was quality time together and we often went on Sundays too. Enjoy!

    Warmly, Michelle


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