
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ive been tagged & I liked it!!!

I have been tagged by two very lovely ladies to play a fun Question & Answer game. Nellie at Mccarthy designs. & Janette at My sweet prints have bestowed this owner upon me & I have to say I qiet enjoyed it. Here are the questions & my  crazy answers....

1.If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I think everyone would like to live here, but even just a night or 2 in the Hamptons beach house from the movie 'Somethings gotta give" would be a dream come true

Cocktails by my pool anyone?

2. What is your favorite band?
I don't think I could say I have a favourite band, but those that know me would probably say I do enjoy music from the 80's...Ahhh good times!!!

3. If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?
Just for today I would like to be Julia Gillard. The first FEMALE Prime Minister of Australia.
Now I'm not one to show to much interest in politics, but I can only imagine the pride & jubilation she must be feeling right now!!!!

Look out fellas a women has just busted the boys club wide open!!!

I guess Julia Gillard has smashed that glass ceiling....
Great inspiration for the females of our country!!!

4. Concert or Broadway show?
I would love a good Broadway show!!!

5. Theme song for your life? I took a tip from Nellie on this one & did this quiz, Whats you're theme song quiz  It came back with U2 " A beautiful day". I do enjoy U2, so I was happy with the result!!!

6. Would you choose a fancy dinner at a nice restaurant or a picnic in the park?
Definitely the fancy dinner, but I would need to go shopping for something to wear as Fancy dinners are a rare treat around here.

 I would love to try a seafood platter at Scratchleys on Honeysuckle, Newcastle, NSW Australia

7. Favorite place to shop?
I don't know that I have a  particular favourite place to shop, but I do know where ever I go, should have a nice coffee shop for me to get a caffeine fix whilst I'm there...Yes I am addicted to coffee!!!

8. Favorite movie?
I love anything with Adam Sandler or Ben Stiller in it, they make me laugh, & on the romance side of things, who could go past "The Note Book", by far the most romantic tear jerker I have ever seen.

So now its my job to tag a few other bloggers....
No need to feel obligated to participate as we all know time is precious!!!

So go check out all of these great blogs if you have'nt already & I hoped you enjoyed my question & answer time!!!

Trish xxx


  1. Thanks Trish, I now consider myself tagged. I think I'll need to sleep on it though!
    It was fun to see your answers. The 80's ... those were the days! Michelle

  2. I loved reading your answers Trish. The house from Something's Gotta Give is so lovely I could live there too. xx

  3. I'm going to Scratchleys for the first time ever next friday!!! OMG!! I'm so excited!

  4. Thanks for the tag Trish. I'd like to participate but with the 3 kids home for the holidays my time at the computer is under threat! I will do my best.
    It was great to read your answers. It's always good to get to know bloggers a bit better:o)

  5. great answers Trish, I really need to post mine too, I have all the images there, just waiting!!
    Enjoy your fridayxxx

  6. you have great taste if you lived in the house on "something gotta give" i think i'd have to invite myself for a visit hehehe.....thanks for all your comments and i so enjoyed reading your answers lisa xox

  7. Just once, I'd like to get tagged in something like this. Oh well. Nice pictures to go with the insight.

  8. Hi trish, thanks for lovely comments again, just was going to mention, do you go to LonadeAnna blog? she is adding new `blogs on the block` and thought you might want to see it. she is so kind you just need to email her and she will add your blog. Laura xxxx

  9. Ha! I've only just realised you tagged me Trish!! Aren't I a slack arse! Give me a few days and I'll see what I can come up with. xx

  10. Elizabeth06 July, 2010

    Favourite shop, Have you not looked in at Taylors in Maitland. Its on the end of the Mall. Nearly everything in the shop is to die for.


Yipee!!! I love it when you leave a comment!!!