
Sunday, June 27, 2010

A dream childs Fairy Tale

My dream child No.1 is a very creative soul & is studying art & photography for her HSC. This is a sneak peek of her  Yr 11 major art work.
The title of this creative piece is "Snow white in Never land"
Dream child No.1 has worked tirelessly on this project, making costumes out of garbage bags...
she has stretched, melted , ironed & sewn a multitude of coloured garbage bags to create her version of Snow white, Tinkerbell & a lost boy. She made a newspaper hat, arm & wrist bands from wool & feathers, painted  & feathered a set of fairy wings  & even created a giant  80's style hair bow for Snow white from a strawberry scented garbage bag, not to mention the make up, face paint & hair teasing that added the final finishing touch. 
My house was a MESS!!!  

This is the artist herself!!!

Tinkerbell, our dream child No.4

The lost boy, our dream child No.3

He really did enjoy posing for the camera!!!

The gorgeous Snow white is a best friend

they climbed into all sorts of awkward places...


Don't you just love these wings...


Mother nature was kind enough to provide her with a perfectly sunny winters day...


Tinkerbell enjoyed every moment of her modelling career!!!

Hours of work have gone into this garbage bag tutu & corset.

There are over 300 photos of the day in many locations & now it all has to be presented  into her version of a vintage story book, there is editing to be done & a fairytale to be written ,but I think she will get great marks just for the costumes & the concept itself.

I wonder what wonderful creation she will come up with for her final work next year before she graduates?

Good Luck my dream girl !!!!Posted by Picasa


  1. Oh Trish, she has done a wonderful job. Love the Snow White outfit. And little Tinkerbell and Lost Boy are gorgeous :)

  2. wow....your daughter is one talented girl, and i love the outfits she has made, tinkerbell is too cute and little lost boy, you must be so so proud

  3. Great pics Trish. Your daughter is very talented and the little models are just too cute!

  4. Anonymous27 June, 2010

    Hi Trish,
    Dream child 1 did a fabulous job, very enchanting! Love it! Pass on my best wishes for the best possible marks on the assement.
    Sarah J.

  5. What a talented one you have. LOVE the pics!!

  6. Art and photography is amazing and so is she;) you have something to be very proud of, as I'm sure you are;) xoxo

  7. Wow you have a very talented daughter and your other ones are so adorable.

    She did a fantastic job!

  8. OMG!! Dream Neice No.1 is definitley talented! I cant wait to see the finished product, she's worked so hard on all of this, it all just looks amazing!

  9. That is incredible! All that hard work (and mess) has certainly paid off. I see an art/design degree in her future;-)
    PS Great modelling work by the siblings too!

  10. Thanks for all of the lovely comments everyone! Yes I am enourmously proud of her. She has plans to study medical science at university but an arts/textiles degree is her plan B if she doesnt get the required marks for medical science!!!

  11. You have a very goodlooking family Trish! Your daughter is so talented her creations are amazing. Wish her all the best for me, I am sure she will do great! xx

  12. Great outfits and gorgeous models. Your daughter is very clever and clearly hard working. I hope she gets a really good mark for this project. x

  13. The costumes are brilliant! We are having a fourth of July dog walk in the park on the fourth my baby girl dog wants to borrow that tu-tu idea!(hope you don't mind). Great shots of your family by the way, lovely.

  14. Such Talent! Trish, you have a beautiful family!


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