
Sunday, May 30, 2010

My First Blog Award!!!!!

Thank You Kym At Kyandra Rose for honouring me with my FIRST ever Blog Award... I was beside myself with excitement!!!
It has made me feel like I am a real  blogger...Yipee!!!!
Thank You Kym for making my day & being such a fabulous support, its great to know someone with so much talent is enjoying my blog!!!!

Kym has a beautiful blog with some very inspirational decorating ideas, she also shares my clock addiction!!!Kym  manages to do all these amazing things whilst working as a teacher & being a mum, I think that is impressive.
 I am a SAHM & write my blog because I was looking for a challenge & I wanted to have something to do, other than just being a housewife & mum. I couldn't imagine trying to fit in a full time job. 
I take my hat off to all you clever people that work & blog...

Now the award rules are that I have to list seven things about me
So here goes:
1. I have 4 children, 3 girls & 1 boy & they bring me a huge amount of joy, but like all mums cause me the most worries in life as well.

2. My husband is by far the most inspiring & motivating person in my life.

3. My sister Erin is definitely my biggest supporter in EVERYTHING I do & is also my partner in Design crime... I cant live without her ( she is also my partner in wine crime, LOL)

4. Teaching my teenage daughter to drive is by far the most challenging & terrifying task I have ever  had to undertake.

5. It makes me crazy if someone sits on my bed after I make it, I love to see a beautifully made bed decorated with lost of fabulous pillows!!!

6.I love an organised home with lots of storage.

& lucky No. 7
I have been so inspired by the talent I have come across since I started reading so many amazing blogs, that I now have very huge aspirations to refurbish, upholster & paint things, rather than purchase everything brand new.
 For this I say THANK YOU!!!!

The second Privilege is that I get to Pass this honour onto 15 other Fabulous Blogs.
Here is who I have chosen

So if you haven't already been visiting any of these blogs you should drop on over & check them out. Some are about design, some about life, some put a smile on your face, BUT, all of them are written by incredibly inspirational & clever people.
Than You again Kym

Trish xxx


  1. Congratulations Trish you deserve the award for being such a fabulous blogger.Your blogs are witty and inspirational. I only wish I had the time to do as much as I wanted too.. as I have so many plans , ideas and projects to complete but there are not enough hours in the day:( I will just have to wait for the school hols. I loved reading the 7 things about you and can totally relate to the teaching teenage daughter how to drive as being the most challenging! In the end I couldn't do it and that job was assigned to hubby who was much calmer:) even now 1 year on from her getting her licence I still have trouble getting in the car with her. I think it's the mum wanting to protect thing. Now it is nearly time for our number two girl..think I'll pass on that one. I hope you this helps you to be found as you deserve to be out there in blogland. Look forward to reading your journey .Take care Kym X

  2. Congratulations Trish!!! It so great to see your blog taking off and you thoroughly deserve the award.
    I'm with Kym on the learner driver thing. My 16yo son has had his first lesson and I volunteered my husband for the job...I have enough stress in my life already,lol.

  3. I just put 2 and 2 together and realised my new follower, Erin, is your sister:o)

  4. Hi Trish, more lovely comments thanks! Not sure what I have to do being a new blogger. Well done on the award!

  5. Congrats on the award Trishy, I absolutely love your blog and thanks so much for mentioning me!

    You know that your my bestie and that I don't know what I'd do without your continuous support - Love youuuu!!

    and yes Ange, I have just become a follower of your blog, it has seriously become part of my addiction.


  6. Hi Trish, thankyou so much, you are an angel! I really appreciate you thinking of me! Except that you already have the award, so I cant give one to you can I?!!!! he he! And thankyou for saying you will mention the giveaway, I will let you know the details next week! Cannot believe your daughter is that old::: you do not look old enough for that to be possible!!
    oh, do I just copy and past the award pic?
    take care, thanks again, laura xxx

  7. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments... Jenny & Laura I just saved the award to my photos & then applied it to my post as I would a normal pic...I am useless with technology, blogging is my excuse for improving my computer skills, LOL!!

  8. Congratulations on your award Trish - that's fantastic and somehow I think it will be the first of many. And thanks so much for passing the award on to me - you're too sweet!
    I hear you on the driving issue - we've been through it with my eldest daughter, who's now 18, and we're up to our 16 year old son now. Takes nerves of steel, doesn't it? Good luck! K xx

  9. Wow! I am glad you're getting noticed. And thanks for passing it to me...I am humbled! I just wrote it up on my blog and mentioned you several times. You're a doll! And I'm enjoying looking at the other 14 blogs you named. Lisa~

  10. Thank-You Trish, You deserve it girlie!! Funnyou say that you feel honored in my company, yet I feel honored in your company,
    We all inspire each other in everything we do!


  11. Hi Trish,
    It's lovely to meet you. thankyou for your kind comment on my blog. You are so brave to have 4 children!! Wow that's fantastic and I totally get what you mean about messing up a made bed. Oliver goes bouncing daily just after I'm finally satisfied with my freshly made bed it drives me crazy. Ha Ha, thanks for visting my blog I hope you come back soon. I will sit down with a cuppa after work tonight and pay you another visit.
    Have a great day.
    Donna xx

  12. Hi Trish, Congratulations! Thanks sooo much for passing on an award to me. What a wonderful surprise. I only hope I can continue to do it justice. By the way I know what you mean about messing the bed up - I can't start my day without the bed being perfect and my husband is driven crazy by all my pillows and cushions. Thanks again for the mention. Michelle

  13. Congratulations on your award. I am visiting from Michelle @ Paper Tree Design's blog and am now a follower. I can definitely relate to #5 and #6 on your list :)

  14. Hey, thanks so much for the honor. I've been out of state with patchy wi-fi and haven't been able to accept but when I get a chance I'll post it to my blog. Thanks again. You are the best.

  15. Trish,
    First Congratulations on your award! But my goodness,you are such a DOLL for giving me one too!! What a surprise! Thank you so so much!!

  16. Thank you so very much:) I have to take a moment today to write a post about these awards I've been given! I've been so unbelievably busy it's made me think twice about keeping my blog:( I think at times it's just extremely overwhelming and takes dedication:) Good Luck with yours, It's amazing! Your too sweet:) Enjoy the day! xoxoxo


Yipee!!! I love it when you leave a comment!!!