
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dreaming of this house

I love this house, the colours, the furniture, the kitchen, the cushions where do I begin.....

Lafayette Residence One contemporary kitchen

Lafayette Residence One contemporary dining room

Lafayette Residence One contemporary living room

Lafayette Residence One contemporary living room

Lafayette Residence One contemporary living room

 Images found at


  1. That house is amazing and since I am currently searching for coffee table ideas, these living room pictures were great inspiration!

    I also love how the dining chairs dont actually "match" the table - definitly something to ponder since my chairs really need replacing!

  2. Hi Trish! I could've sworn I left a comment earlier today but apparently not. Anyway, I was so pleased to hear from you today. I am loving your blog and really look forward to following your house building adventure. I am sure there will be others who would like to share your journey. Would you mind if I gave your blog a mention on my next post?
    I have enjoyed checking out your blog and I see we share a fettish for clocks. I also love mirrors, coffee tables, finials, chairs...I could go on,lol.
    It's lovely to meet you :o)


Yipee!!! I love it when you leave a comment!!!