
Monday, November 24, 2014

A New Discovery

Now dont laugh but I have just discovered I can blog from my ipad....go figure.

Technology has not been my friend of late. We have lived in our house for 12 weeks, it took telstra 4 weeks to get the internet on for us & then it only worked intermittently up until two weeks ago.
Just when all was running smoothly the hard drive died on my laptop. Our trusty tech guy came & took it away , he then called to say he didnt think he was going to be able to retrieve anything off it. Now you have to know, thats devastating news to a girl who NEVER EVER backs up.......

Yes I did have to hold back tears.

3 yrs of treasured family snaps gooooone, oh & all of that other stuff like business records....but wait, its a miracle, he had a break through & after two days of mourning my loss ,he phoned to say he had rescued it ALL


Anyway, I wont get it back for a few more days, so out of frustration I thought I would experiment with the trusty ipad & yay, here I am !!!

A blog post is a little sad with out pics so I popped in this beautiful vignette from pinterest just to make things interesting.

Have a fabulous week.

Trish xx